Our quality control test laboratory has been operating as an accredited laboratory since 1990. The Qualilakk name and logo were copyrighted in 1995. The Qualilakk Laboratory works according to the MSZ EN ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
The Qualilakk Laboratory was accredited by the Hungarian National Accreditation Authority (NAH) according to the standard MSZ EN ISO / IEC 17025.
Details of the accredited testsList of properties to be tested prior to application.
These tests can be carried out on freshly applied or aged coatings and are often used following durability and corrosion resistance tests
These test methods are designed to imitate natural circumstances. If you are more concerned with the effect of sunlight, moisture and temperature on the actual surface coating, please see later, under “Durability”.
These tests are designed to measure the effect of sunlight, moisture and temperature on coatings applied to a variety of substrates. If you are more concerned with the way that surface coatings protect substrates from corrosion, please refer to the Corrosion resistance tests here above.
The aim of the paint industry experts' work is to ensure high quality surface-protection job for the customers. The preconditions of the successful execution of painting and surface-protection process are the elaboration of the technology most suitable for on-site needs, the correct choice of the coating and the monitoring of the execution.
The tests required for our expert activities are carried out according to the current MSZ EN ISO standards.
Expert activityOur R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.
We take part in national and international development projects in cooperation with industrial partners and university research teams.
Research and DevelopmentDevelopment engineer/ Technical Service Unit
+36 1 4328844 horvath.szilvia[kukac]festekkutato[d0t]hu
Please feel free to contact our colleagues or call us
on the following number: +36 1 432 88 31