Our R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.
We take part in national and international development projects in cooperation with industrial partners and university research teams.
Metal industry
fireplaces, tools, agricultural machinery, industrial armatures, vehicle chassis protection
Heat resistant paints - Chassis protecting paint - Chemically resistant paints
Wood industry
furniture, indoor and outdoor fenestration, wooden stairs, wainscots
Wood and furniture paints
Building industry
concrete floors, decorative floors, walk-on areas
Concrete paints - swimmingpool paint
Toy production
woodtoys, children’s furniture
Wood and furniture paints
PVC products
balls, foils
Hobby paints
Special paints
glass paints, fluorescent paints
Special paints
Participation in National and European R&D projects offers an excellent opportunity to realise long-term research ideas. Our modern eco-friendly water diluted heat-resistant paints, brand-named “Aqua-Heat”, were developed within this framework.
We are participating in several R&D projects. Our partners in research are universities, research teams of the Academy of Science, as well as paint factories and producers of raw materials
Development of new special recipes and elaboration of the manufacturing technology of nanotechnological surface treated pigments, corrosion inhibitors, lacquer additives
development of prototypes of high temperature resistant, environmentally friendly, enamel like coatings with superior aesthetic appearance.
Our quality control test laboratory has been operating as an accredited laboratory since 1990. The Qualilakk Laboratory was accredited by the National Accreditation Authority(NAH) according to the standard MSZ EN ISO / IEC 17025.
We divide the tests into two groups:
1. Testing of liquid paints before application
2. Testing of ready coatings on the prescribed surface.
Heat resistant paints for stoves, fireplaces, boilers, BBQ sets, smoke pipes, exhausters etc, exposed to permanent high temperature. Universal wood coating systems for furnitures, wooden stairs, doors and windows. Abrasion resistant coatings for wood and concrete floors. Two component paints for steel structures and swimming pools.
Our paint factory produces our own products on direct customer orders.
Paint productionDevelopment engineer/ Technical Service Unit
+36 1 4328844 horvath.szilvia[kukac]festekkutato[d0t]hu
Please feel free to contact our colleagues or call us
on the following number: +36 1 432 88 31